Curious about this. New house has this old drive system and it seems so old that I can’t even sync a universal clicker to it.
Any recommendation for some add-on that can make it smart?
Ideally, I would like something I can just plug/wire into the existing drive motor that will allow me to connect to wifi and/or do an exterior keypad and/or get a universal clicker.
I would bite the bullet and get a new one. You might even be able to install one that attaches to the side, saves room from the chain/belt system. New one would have integrated wifi and usually battery backup as well.
recommendation for side drive? is this a DIY job?
Look up videos on YouTube. You’re not messing with springs. I think as long as you have clearance, you could diy it. You could leave the overhead there abed just have it disconnected. So if you find you’re stuck, undo that and reconnect the overhead arm.
Unless it’s drive is not working or something this is overkill just to set up remote open.
Most all garage door openers have two screw terminals on the back. If you connect a wire to both it triggers the open/close. You can run two long wires from there to wherever - this is how the button in the garage typically works.
You can also use any number of different setups to close that connection over a wireless trigger. I use a Shelly relay and home assistant which costs $20 or so. If you don’t have home assistant there are several other products that can do this.
the drive is working great, just super old and dumb low-tech. I can’t even sync a universal remote to it.
yes, there is long wire running to the wall switch.
This garage door can probably be opened with a flipperzero brute forcing the code. It’s probably worth the bullet just to remove that vulnerability or some random RF noise opening it.