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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 25th, 2023


  • Also…shouldn’t we talking more about self-hosting rather than privacy and efficiency issues? I think the topic is a moot point - either you feel that Cloudflare is ‘trustworthy’…or you don’t.

    IMHO, it’s sorta like using Google’s Gmail for business purposes. Read the fine print - they can do whatever they want with your data, despite their privacy statements. Same goes with Cloudflare. You’re using *their* services on *their servers.

    They have to lookout for themselves and the risks involved.

  • …not to mention now using cloud providers in lieu of setting up something at their homes. From someone who deals with “Imperial entanglements” (feds) many times, are any of those who praise Cloudflare with such high expectations going to admit that even Cloudflare - a U.S. owned and headquartered-based company - does NOT fall under the purview of U.S. cyber laws???


    TBH, acquiring even a small number of static IPs doesn’t really doesn’t cost that much, nor does having a stable energy source (thru a UPS) to have your very own littl’ mini lab/data center. I have 4 rack cabinets, 2 telco racks, and a small UPS tray for several UPSs to provide consistently ‘clean’ power against periodic electrical ‘hiccups’ (such as power going off for a few seconds).

    And then there’s the matter of accessing your data. Cloudflare has full, unadulterated access - no matter how much they claim your privacy, blah, blah, blah. Does anyone ever read the EULAs? I seriously doubt it. And even if you did, they still have the right to ‘sniff’ and acquire your data, anonymize your data, and utilize it to sell to other companies - perhaps Google? Perhaps even the Imperium?

    Here’s some more info - your ISP still have access to your data regardless if you host it yourself or not. Even if you’ve decided to go through Cloudflare; you really don’t gain anything.

    So, for me, using Cloudflare gains me *nothing*.

  • I don’t trust anyone to host my email for me, esp. cloud service providers where your data could be ANY…WHERE in the World. I trust ‘me, myself, and I’ sandwiched behind 3-4 firewalls.

    I’m also using ‘ciphermail’ for sending/receiving encrypted emails, too for the more ‘sensitive’ material (nothing illegal; just proprietary projects and don’t want Google sniffing around).

    It also helps that I ‘own’ (and I use that term very loosely) my IP addresses, so it kinda helps with reliability and veracity issues.