
I’m a techie, but I’ve not followed or researched network gear for years.

I live in a solid brick house. All interior walls are brick. It really kills the wifi.

ADSL2+ (80/20) -> WRT1900ACS -> cable -> Front Room -> Switch -> Media devices + PowerLine Adaptor -> Backroom -> PlayStation 4

The WRT1900ACS is cabled upstairs to a second WRT1900AC. This device is set up with the same AP name and passwords.

The WRT1900AC->Switch->lots of devices in home office/games room -> NetGear PowerLine Adaptor -> 2 x Kids Rooms -> Switches -> XBox

A picture can be seen here: https://imgur.com/a/CiFakyM

There’s quite a lot of stuff on this network!

This worked great for a number of years, but over the last few months it’s started playing up. The WRT1900AC has lost it’s battery backup and I’m getting wifi drop outs. I think it’s time to replace the whole setup.

I was wondering - what are people’s thoughts on a similar setup, using Netgear RAX200’s replacing the WRTs, leaving the PowerLines in place, but replacing the switches at the end of the PowerLines with EAX80s… I don’t think I can go the whole Orbi route.

The other option is start to slowly replace this with Ubiquiti gear, but I’ve got no idea which models…