I have a screenbeam moca 2.5 network and would like to add some 2.5Gb links between computers on my local network. Since i already have 1GB switches for most connections, I only need one 2.5gb connection at each computer location. Rather than buying 2.5gb switches (expensive), I stumbled on the Transline Global MoCA 2.5 adapter with one 2.5gb port and one 1gb port. If I replace some of my moca screenbeam adapters with these, I won’t need 2.5gb switch.

The question, after that very long probably confusing description is: Is anyone running the Transline Moca 2.5 adapters with ScreenBeam moca ECB 6250/7250 adapters. Should work or course…but I’ve been around long enough that should doesn’t mean does work :)